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STAR Canada


We will be at STAR Canada next week on the demo floor in a booth. Please stop by and introduce yourselves! Its a annual chance to meet some of our users and meet many people face to face for the first time. We look forward to seeing you.

Its at the Hilton Downtown Toronto and we will be there Tuesday 8th all day and Wednesday 9th till 1:00pm.


TASSQ Presentation

I want to thank everyone for their participation and input in last nights TASSQ presentation. Although its was a very simplified scenario, using a LOT of Averages, and the fixing of the 20,000 test cases required limited options, the limitations were set to demonstrate the impact of change more clearly. If we had more time, we could have looked into changing coverage ratio’s and changing the number of test cases required per Release or test iteration. I encourage everyone to do just this, using the own projects, to see what personal insight it will provide.

I have put the slides and spread sheet used for My TASSQ presentation on Google Docs for view or download.

Much of what was presented is in more detail on this blog, which you can subscribe to receive a monthly newsletter of updates. I also encourage all to make comments and share thoughts. Only a screen name is displayed.

Thank you again, and I hope you found it as interesting as I did.

ST3PP Presenting at TASSQ in March

Join us at TASSQ this March the 25th in Toronto at the The Albany Club – King & Church Streets 5:30 pm networking 6 pm dinner 7 pm presentation. March’s presentation will be done by ST3PP’s me, Ivan Flowerday. Visitors and new members are always welcome at TASSQ and attendees include anyone who has an interest in software quality, or software testing, whether they work for a large corporation, a small software house, or whether they are independent consultants.

ST3PP’s mission is to Align the domains of Tools, Process and People, to achieve excellence. At TASSQ, I will be sharing some thoughts and ideas collected by meeting with a number of QA and Development organizations. The session will also be interactive, with attendee participation.  Although it will cover all 3 domains, no specific organizations Tools, People or Processes will be used. The intent being to generate ideas or thought that members can further investigate, and perhaps apply in their teams. Similar to much of ST3PP ahead newsletter.

To give you some idea of what I will be discussing you can read a detailed look at service plan costing

We look forward to seeing you there and please stop by an introduce yourself if you have not already.



Join us at STARCanada 2014

ST3PP together with one of our partners Crosscheck Networks Canada  will be at the Exhibiting at Software Testing Analysis & Review Canada Conference (STARCanada), “The Greatest Software Testing Conference on Earth“. You will find at at the Exhibition.

Where – Hilton Toronto, 145 Richmond Street West, Toronto, ON, M5H 2L2

When  – Tuesday & Wednesday on 8-9 April 2014

We will have SOAPSonar and CLOUDPort on display and will be speaking to ST3PPs mission. Come over and introduce yourself and get to know us better.